Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fall Approaching

So the seasons are hard to feel temperature wise in Hawai'i. The temperature is pretty much the same all day. I can tell when Fall approaches due to the scheduled football games. Most convinently going to Kahuku High School football games. Not only is my 15 year old daughter interested in going to the games, but her mother is interested in going too and spending time watching her interact with her peers. I have been blessed with a wonderful friend who likes to go along with me to these games and we have children close to the same age. (Mahalo Amie!)We deffinitely have fun together and get some good laughs too.
Therefore because Amie has done such a good job being a weekly Kahuku High School sports reporter she has inspired me to write about going to see Football. Pictures will come next time. Mikayla, Kaden, and Kahana sure enjoy seeing the crowd, players and eating the grindz and the Kahuku Football Games. I sometimes feel like a celebrity when children I've taught both at Kahuku and Laie come together to take a moment to say "hi" to me.
Kahuku football if you live Laie, you gotta love it! Go Big Red! (I'm still a warrior though don't worry Kamehameha fans) I love you both! Imua!